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Computer Class Graduates

Recent PESS Graduates Attend
Jonglei Vocational Center for Computer

Computer Class Graduates

Regardless of the Coronavirus threat, recent High School graduates are enthusiastic about Computer Class and look forward to returning once schools and business are allowed to reopen. These girls graduated during the last couple years with the help of PESS scholarships, many of them through our partnership with She’s The First. They attended different high schools in the Bor area and are now taking an intensive 6-month computer and vocational readiness class at the Jonglei Vocational Training Center. This will greatly enhance their chance of getting work, since there are virtually no computers or internet connections in Bor High Schools.

The two at either end of the photo are PESS mentors who work with Daniel Gai in the PESS office. Abuk on the left and Akur on the right are themselves graduates of the PESS program from a few years ago. They now help younger students increase their leadership skills and build confidence. The other six are current computer class members, eagerly waiting to return to class.

These young girls are future leaders of South Sudan. They are not deterred by the challenging life in their young country. These girls are confident that promising job opportunities and careers await them upon completion of their computer training. Thank you for helping them succeed!

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Empowering South Sudanese Girls Through Education

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